Your Climbing Dirtbag Horoscope for the New Year

New Year, new dirtbaggery! What a year 2020 has been. We can only hope that 2021 will be full of possibility, change, and some sweet sends. What is your dirtbag horoscope for the New Year? Stick around and find out! While this article deals with mostly climbing, many of the promises of 2021 can be applied to any and all dirtbags. 

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


As you dive into 2021 with your naturally inquisitive nature, you must take an honest look at your own climbing abilities. How is your headspace? Your finger strength? Your footwork? 

This will allow you to bring your climbing to new heights. This energy can even help you heal some issues around your adventure partners and open your mind to new, harder leads. 

You might feel torn at times if you are trying hard and seeing little progress, but if you can keep your eye on the prize you will see great improvement this year! 


There is a dirtbag romance on the horizon for Aries. Your sign of the Ram is very picky when it comes to a long-term romantic partner, you don’t want just anyone sharing space in the van with you. Many people can manage the ‘no strings attached’ dirtbag dates, but that isn’t always the case with you! In 2021, be ready to fall in love!


Aries will take charge of their financial situation in 2021. Are you thinking of selling bracelets on the road? Screen printing t-shirts? Working remotely? May, June, November, and December all have eclipse influences that connect you to your higher purpose, those are great times to ask yourself to be braver than ever. If you’re waiting for the call to hit the road and make some cash while you do it, this is it! 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


This year requires a great deal of maturity and patience on your part. Climbing (or your sport of choice) takes time, patience, and dedication in order to be successful. You may experience an injury or a grade plateau this year, don’t let it get you down! You are at a crossroads in your adventure career this year. One way might take you to new heights, and the other may cause you to leave it altogether. Have patience! 


Taurus will find love in the strangest of places this year. Under a boulder? On the tailgate of a truck? At the Walmart parking lot in Yucca Valley? You will have plenty of opportunities for multiple romantic connections that could happen simultaneously and out of nowhere. Feel yourself this year Tarus, 2021 opens up with some really interesting surprises! Now, deciding whether any romantic prospects entering your life are worth it is another piece of the puzzle for you. Is it worth it to always have a dedicated belayer? 

Discovering what you love and focusing on belay-tionships might serve your climbing best. Even though you prefer a soulmate, it can be one of those things that play a longer course these days. And don’t you worry—there’s definitely room for several love stories and dramas to reveal themselves. 


Money comes and money goes for a dirtbag soul. But for Taurus this year, you are one of the luckiest signs where money is concerned. This year can bring the change you really need to wake up to a new way of life. If you have been waiting to hit the road to pursue full-time adventure, this is the year to do it! 

If you’re sick of your day job, now is a wonderful time to quit and move into your vehicle. 2021 is the year to reset your life, you are being stirred up and shaken, and in this case, it means it’s time to follow your dirtbag dreams! You will need to watch your spending habits, especially if you don’t keep your job while traveling from crag to crag. Dumpster diving, showering infrequently, and waiting juuuuuust a bit longer to resole your shoes will have you coasting comfortably through 2021. 

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


Creative Gemini’s will have a lot heading towards them this year. Sending will be at an all-time high for you if you can just think outside the box when cruxing out. You will align with your highest good, make some amazing new connections at the crag, and you will probably be the person your friends come to when they’re frustrated and stuck on their project. Your good humor in 2021 will help you tackle any new problem you face. 

As the year begins with some confrontation, you’ll likely attempt something out of your comfort zone. However, you’ll get a beneficial wave of abundance headed your way if you can channel the gritty energy required to climb offwidths. 


Trust your intuition in love this year. You may see a cute person across the campfire, or bump into another traveler in a van more frequently than usual, but don’t pursue them if you’re getting weird vibes. You may have a few more lonely nights in the tent this year than last, but remember that you’ll always have dirtbagging even if you don’t have romance. 

However, this is also a good year to ask out that 5.13 crusher you’ve been eyeing all season. Don’t let the heartbreak from 2020 hold you back, your tastes are changing and you might find yourself canoodling with a sport climber, or worse, a boulderer. 


Plan ahead this year, Gemini dirtbags. There is a strong chance you will have some unexpected income, maybe you’ll line up a job painting houses, or your buddies construction site will need an extra hand, or maybe you’ll open a new credit card that is just waiting to get maxed out. 

But remember that life isn’t all about making money. You can work multiple small jobs and still take time to go galavanting. Without adventures, what’s the point of making money anyway?

Just keep an open mind, and be ready to take on new financial opportunities when they arise. 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)


Compassionate Cancer is coming out of 2020 after a challenging few climbing seasons. A lot of change was needed in order to progress and that can sometimes be painful. In 2021 you will have an opportunity to watch yourself improve, literally. Try taking a video of yourself projecting so you can watch and rewatch where you’re making mistakes. This will help you improve your climbing technique drastically. In this journey of self-reflection through climbing, you will also repair some internal damage that is holding you back from achieving your climbing dreams. Expanding your mind, your own self-awareness, and your ability to become independent is what 2021 is all about. Stop being so hard on yourself, and you will finally clip the chains on your long term project! 


Dirtbag romances are always hit or miss, and the first half of this year sees you in some extremely passionate but short lived romantic encounters. However, as your birthday season rolls around, you might find that the belay partner you’ve enjoyed climbing with is a little bit more than just a climbing partner. Be careful of old flames from the past showing up in your life around September, they might be looking at you through belaggles and not seeing you quite for who you really are now. 


Have you been giving people rides to the crag and not asking for gas money? What about offering to have everyone cook on your stove and not asking for people to pitch in for the meal? You often take on too much responsibility for everyone else, and as a dirtbag that can be draining. Remember, we are all in this together. Ask your friends and climbing partners to return the favors you have been doing for them. 

This is particularly true because there is a strong boundary between work and play for you this year. If you want to keep gas in the van and cliff bars in your backpack, you need to double down on financial opportunities. 

Leo (July 23 – August 22)


Your climbing will experience true peaks and valleys in 2021. The theme for your fire sign this year is to have the patience to know that it will all end up exactly the way it is supposed to be. If you fall at the crux for the 13th time today, know that you’re getting stronger, and you may see progress on the 14th time (or the 16th, or the 20th!). This year you will experience a ton of friction slab, so jot that down. In many cases, you will feel so runout that you’ll begin to question your life choices, belay partners, and even your career path. 

This is a huge year for your exuberant sign, Leo! A major component of this year is learning how to let go and take the whip, both literally and metaphorically. 


Don’t throw in the towel just yet Leo, there is love on the horizon! It might just be with someone you didn’t expect. Are you a diehard sport climber? You may find yourself eyeing that ice climber from afar. You may find yourself swiping right on a crusty trad climber, or asking to go bouldering with someone who climbs 5 grades harder than you. OR, strangest of all, you might find yourself attracted to a non-climber. Stay strong Leo, this year is going to be interesting! 


Good news comes your way in 2021, you are likely to find a sweet deal on a new van or truck camper. Or possibly a smart career transition halfway through will allow you to take more extended time off during the year to travel and climb. There has been a lot of conflict in the world around you but your fighting sign has seemed to find a way for yourself to make it through the many storms. 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)


This is a major turning point year for your sign, Virgo. Your analytical self will enjoy the hard work and dedication it takes to make your climbing dreams become a reality. You’ve been the belay slave so many times in your climbing career, it’s time to let someone else support you in your dreams! 

This year will ask you to enjoy climbing (and life!) a little bit more, which might mean you have to let go of control. Your rigid training regime or your need to never fall while leading will be challenged. You’re going to be tested to the max, but you will find your way to the chains on your own terms. Your earthy sign is being given a lot of chances to prove yourself to be the climber you know you can be this year, and you are meant to be a fully thriving dirtbag this year. 


2021’s theme for Virgo is to allow yourself to have fun. And what is more fun than dirtbag dating? (Other than climbing of course) Be careful though, the transient lifestyle can lead to challenging emotional dynamics and could lend itself to difficult “affairs”. Keep a keen eye out for anyone not being totally honest with you this year when it comes to romance. However, sometimes we meet people for a reason, a season, or a lifetime! There may be folks parking next to you at the campground that are here to stay in this lifetime. 

It’s really nice to feel loved and appreciated, and this year can bring you multiple chances for some fun and memorable romantic rendezvous!


It’s nice to feel appreciated by so many of your climbing partners around you, Virgo. You’ve put in many years of hard work and dedication to get to this point. And this year, your financial situation will start to, literally, pay off. Have you been afraid to take work on the road? Or maybe it makes you nervous to work a seasonal job? This is the year it will all start to make sense for you, even if in the past it has scared you. 

It’s time to break out of old spending habits. Try resoling your shoes instead of buying new ones, take a trip to the thrift shop and resell some old clothes, or perhaps double down on applying for pro-deals. There are many ways to make and save money in store for you this year! 

Libra (September 23 – October 22)


Have you read the Rock Warrior’s Way? How about Training For Climbing? In 2021 you will find yourself on a quest for knowledge and might consider picking up a few books to help you on this path. As an air sign, you seek diplomacy and justice, which you know does not happen overnight. This year you may find yourself getting involved in more altruistic activities while climbing. How can you help make climbing a more inclusive space for everyone? 

And remember, climbing is a creative pursuit as well as a physical one. You will blossom creatively this year, so open your mind and think outside the (beta) box! 


Love and climbing can be a fraught relationship. How do you balance friendships and belay-tionships? Where do your solid romantic partners come into play in all of this? Your sign of the Scales prefers to be in a solid and steady relationship in order to help balance you out! You are meant to be with your soulmate, that is for sure, and 2021 can bring along someone who is totally right for you! You may have it all this year Libra, the climbing partner, the romantic relationship, and the rope gun. Look at you go! 


You can have your metaphorical cake, and eat it too this year, Libra! You just have to make sure you’re asking for what you want. Have you been saving up for years? Or maybe you’ve been maxing out a credit card to hit the road? Have you been slowly working towards full-time road life with a side hustle? Or maybe you’re banking on a long term career with more time off? It’s coming together, finally, but you still have to stay on top of your finances if you want to keep up your dirtbaggery. Formulate a structured approach to money this year and maybe even ask a trusted friend or family member to help you stick to a budget. 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)


It’s a big year for you Scorpio. You will have the opportunity to explore new perspectives in climbing. It might mean taking time to explore your slab technique, or possibly change your relationship to finger cracks, you may even take up ice climbing in the later half of the year as a way to see this sport you love in a new light. 

There can be many unplanned events that ultimately decide your fate, your vehicle may break down and you’ll have to switch to #tentlife for a while. You may have a sudden job change, or loss of guaranteed income, but it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. Just a new chapter! 


Chance meetings on the road happen all the time, but for Scorpio there will be more than a few of these this year. You can look forward to a few enjoyable connections while each of you is passing through the current climbing town. You’re not looking for anything serious right now so why bother? 

However, if you are a Scorpio looking for love, be warned! You will spot that climbing partner from across the crag and fall instantly head over heels. Literally. Watch your step. They might give you a soft catch and you might just catch feelings for them. Consider yourself warned!


You’ve never had a hard time making sacrifices to get what you want, but this year in particular you will have to make compromises financially. Do you want new tires on the truck or do you want to buy a more comfortable climbing harness? Do you want a ticket to Spain or do you want a few new guidebooks? 

Some bravery is required to make these choices, and there is a certain amount of risk you are taking by choosing the dirtbag path. Make sure you know what you want from this road, and be brave when making larger financial gambles. 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)


Congrats Sagittarius! This is a major turning point year for you and your climbing. There are some massive changes coming in regards to your climbing ability, your style, and your perceived weaknesses. There are also plenty of moments of friendship coming your way, so stay open to new relationships while pursuing your climbing dreams. 

The goal this year is to get you expressing yourself from a more heartfelt space. How are you holding yourself back in your climbing? How can you let yourself fully feel your successes, failures, and challenges? This will bring you closer to your climbing goals and your life goals in general.


Your quest for the perfect partnership continues this year Sagittarius. How do you balance your love of climbing and your desire to find love? There is no more settling in your life that needs to take place! Throughout this year you may find old dirtbag flames come back into your life, but don’t let the sweet memories of old climbing trips sway you from your current path. You must deal with the wounds of the past before you can find the perfect belay-tionship of the future. 

Finally, if anyone is rushing you to make a love decision you are not ready for, don’t feel bad and kick them to the curb!


Your finances, in general, can fluctuate a bit, but in the life of a dirtbag whose don’t from time to time? Grabbing a few cans of cat food from the dollar store, or putting off repairing your sleeping bag again isn’t the end of the world for you. Use the lessons you’ve learned from the last few years to help you get through the tight times, and be smart about where you spend your grocery money when you have periods of abundance. 

It is your time to shine, Sagittarius, in business and in life. So don’t let the hard times stop you from pursuing your dreams, so what if the roof of your van is leaking?

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)


How is your mental game while climbing, Capricorn? This year there is a major theme of psychology pulling at you, which requires you to be wise beyond your years. You are experiencing new mental challenges this year which might make you long for the days when it wasn’t so difficult to go out on the sharp end. This change may also lead you to feel more detached from your climbing partners and friendships that surround the sport. Don’t lose hope in these times. It is all bringing you closer to a deeper understanding of yourself and this sport you love. 

There are some patterns that need to be reassessed in your overall life Capricorn. How can you shake things up so that you get out of your own way and accomplish your long term goals? 


It’s time to change your approach to love in 2021 Capricorn. Have you been hoping for love on the Mountain Project partner finder forum? Or has every relationship come from a spontaneous conversation at a campfire? Either way, try something new this year and flip your love scripts. You really have nothing to lose and you’ll likely have a few good stories to share at your next crowded multi-pitch belay station! Don’t let your fear of failure hold you back. 


We all struggle with the work-life balance required to be a dirtbag, but for you, this is especially true. You value your work and career and it can be challenging to have one while also having the other. Finances will play a big role in your climbing life early on this year, and you’ll need to break up some old financial habits in order to keep it sendy out there.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)


2021 is the year to be an Aquarius! You are on an ever evolving journey through climbing that will present a unique and accepting perspective towards the world. This is the year to manifest your best climbing life and see it come into being simply by the grace of the universe. There are many surprises and adventures lying in wait for you in regards to climbing this year, which can be both good and bad depending on what style of climbing you prefer! Take up some adventurous multi pitch climbs this year, your eccentric sign deserves it. 


This is one of those years to be open to what comes next. There are many washboards in the road on the path to love, and this is the year to find that person who always makes it feel like your heart is taking the whip. Don’t mess around with other people’s emotions however, what goes around comes around, and make sure to always check your knot when getting involved with a new person. You’re in for a wild ride in 2021 Aquarius, and it’s not always up to you whether you clip the chains, or take the whip in love. 


Money and job opportunities seem to be coming at you from all directions this year, Aquarius. You can easily pick up a few shifts at that old place you used to work at, or hit up a friend who needs an extra set of hands for the holidays. Remember that everything is negotiable, so if you’re looking for a little extra cash to help you through the slow seasons, you can always ask for more! This is also a great time for your sign to think about going back to school, has your WFR expired? Were you thinking of getting your SPI? What about your AVI 1? Or maybe getting back into the travel nursing program you’ve been eying? The dirtbag lifestyle isn’t just for guides and the independently wealthy, you can make this life work for you on your own terms, don’t forget that! 

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Sensitive Pisces, this is a difficult year to pin down for you. Climbing, career, and family are all connected and this year each one will affect drastic change in the other. If you ever feel like you’re getting out of control, one strategy to take that will really help you is to breathe and follow a more grounded path. You will be challenged mentally, physically, and emotionally in climbing this year. Trust your intuition in 2021. If that piece of protection you placed feels off, swap it for something else, make sure you double-check that new climbers harness before they leave the ground, but also trust your gut when it comes to new and creative beta. Your intuition will help you through some unexpected times and help avoid disaster. 


We are emphasizing self-care in 2021. In climbing, you don’t keep going when your tips are bleeding, you take a day or two off and let the skin regrow. When you gobie your fingers on your .5’s project, you tape and glue them shut so they can heal. If your tendonitis is flaring up you do opposing exercises to help it recover. So too, must you treat your heart. Before you can find that special someone who doesn’t mind belaying you for hours on your project, you must heal the wounds of the past. 


2021 is marked by continual shifts and changes. Some might be small, like breaking open your piggy bank to purchase some new climbing shoes, and some might be big, like maxing out your credit card to do some van repairs. It is important to remember that you have friends around you that love you and want to see you at the campfire each night. You can rely on them to help you through the hard times, and don’t feel guilty for letting people help! 

You are expanding into the career and life that you’ve always wanted to live, and sometimes that means tightening your belt loops a bit. This will only make you stronger, and ready for almost anything that climbs your way! 

Wrap it up

2020 was a helluva year. In 2021, we hope the dirtbag star signs will guide you to new heights both literally and metaphorically. May there be many dumpster finds, free showers, quiet parking spaces, and inspiring sends in your future, whether the stars predict it or not! 

About the Gear Tester

Outdoor Prolink Pro

Kaya Lindsay is a writer, photographer, and filmmaker with a passion for rock climbing and the outdoors.

In 2016 she converted a Sprinter Van into a tiny home and has been traveling around the US & Canada to pursue her passion for rock climbing. Since hitting the road she has begun a career in filmmaking and is currently working on her One Chick Travels series, highlighting solo female travelers who live and work to pursue an adventurous lifestyle. Her films have been highlighted by major brands such as Backcountry and Outside TV. To fulfill her passion for writing, she chronicles her many adventures in her blog. Professionally, she writes for the adventure sports company Outdoor Prolink and The Climbing Zine. Kaya hopes to spend many more years in her tiny home on wheels, Lyra, and is currently living in Moab Utah.

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